It was a more successful night than before, though abbreviated. Some throwing, some trimming. Didn't have to throw anything out. That reads as a success in my book. Still no time to get any photos snapped.
I have been trying to put more focused energy into vase/jar forms. They're more challenging for me technically, and I seem to have a lot of trouble coaxing the shape I want from the clay, but it's getting better. Every bit of practice helps.
Having clay that's not ubersoft or full of air bubbles also helps...
I'll get the chance for a longer session in the studio this weekend. Throw some pots, snap some pictures. We'll have a throw-a-thon Saturday afternoon in preparation for the Guild's June fundraiser. We'll be throwing small plate and mug/tumbler sets. The evening should be a fun event - appetizers, wine tasting, and every guest gets to leave with their appetizer plate and tumbler, as well as a piece of artwork (or set) valued at $50+. So it should be a good time. Keep an eye on the Guild's site for more information, or sign up for their mailing list here.
Also, just to announce a couple of upcoming events I'll be at:
The first is the Northern Colorado Potters Guild's annual Potter's Market on Saturday, May 2nd. It's a much less formal affair than our fall sale is, but should be fun - outdoor pottery sale. We'll be up and running from 10am - 4pm on Saturday. Hopefully the weather is cooperative and doesn't go all blizzardy on us...
Second, I'll be appearing at the Ute Trail Greenhouse's first Artists at the Gardens, May 9th & 10th, in Lyons, CO. Click here for more information about this event.
That's all for now. Someday pictures. Until then, here's a drawing of a pot. It's almost the same thing.

I think blue clay would be sweet!
YES! The drawings are back! My faves!
your faves, huh? maybe i should consider a career in freelance doodling...
it couldn't hurt as a side job...
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