None too soon either, huh?
Let me begin by offering many extended apologies to anyone who may have been waiting with bated breath for news from this blog. Eight months is a long time to hold your breath, so: I'm sorry. The simple fact of the matter is that there has been a lot of "life" happening and not so much "pottery." Some of that "life" has included:
- A cross-country move, leaving behind beloved friends, jobs, mountains, and sunshiny Colorado Days to settle somewhere in the middle of the Great Plains.
The Great Plains. Actually, this is just an open meadow on La Framboise Island on the Missouri River. That's French for "Raspberry" attached to the English for "île." Anyway, I thought it was appropriately scenic. |
A new job for Krystal (Please check out
Hunkpati Investments for more information about the really neat work she's doing)
- Buying our first home!
Our new home. It's super cozy! |
New job for me.
- Gardening (no pictures of this one: we were too busy fighting the grasshoppers for our veggies to worry about photography this year).
- Grilling.
Despite whatever it may look like, I do actually know what I'm doing with that thing. |
Lawncare: and then our mower died. Fortunately, it quit raining just around that time, so the grass didn't grow much after that. It's been fixed now, for anyone who's concerned about the well-being of our Toro.
Part of our lawn. Our backyard is pretty much awesome. When it isn't being overrun by grasshoppers. |
More grilling.
- More yardwork (the joys of homeownership)
Look at me, all handy-like and building a fence! I'd call this close enough to constitute yardwork. |
Rock Concerts
Jars of Clay, for example. Always a good show. And totally appropriate for this blog. |
Retaining walls. One night it rained and then most of our lawn was laying on top of the sidewalk. I don't think this wall will let that happen anytime soon.
I think we met more people while building this wall (letting us know how nice it was to see us improving the neighborhood) than in the entire rest of our time here so far. |
There it is. You'll note the complete lack of pottery. It's kind of what happens when you have workd as part of a Guild and don't have your own studio gear and move to a small - charming, mind you, on the river and all, but small nonetheless - town in South Dakota. While there's nothing official to be said about it just yet, I hope to be doing something about my pottery situation in the near future. Stay tuned (cue bated breath) for news (possibly) on that front.
In the meantime, I'll be making a better effort to keep updates of some sort rolling on here. If you've read me at all you know that what begins as a discussion of art or pottery or aesthetics (have I ever started with aesthetics?) often devolves into a post about what music I've been enjoying lately or why I don't wear polo shirts or "Hey look! Here's a doodle I drew today!" So it really shouldn't be hard for me to find something to write about in my currently ample free time. (You'll note that "Another new job" is not one of the above bullet-points. I would like to reduce the amount of freetime that I have.)
So, if you're reading this, thanks for sticking with me, sorry it's been the better part of a year (that better part being spring, summer, and fall), and hopefully you will be hearing from me soon.
P.S. - if you're in the Northern Colorado/Front Range area, please remember to check out the Northern Colorado Potters Guild Holiday Show & Sale next weekend, November 12-14, at the Guild in Fort Collins. Click on the blue letters right there or the link to your right fo find out more about the Guild and the sale. I obviously won't be there, but it's always a good time and a great place to pick up some early Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus gifts.
Welcome back! I for one have missed your writing and your updates! And i just gotta say I LOVE that new retaining wall! Super snazzy I must say!
Welcome back! Thought you had drowned trying to recycle that dried out clay back in February. Hope to see you back on your feet and producing some more of your incredible work soon!
Robert - thanks for your support! You already know how expensive it is to get all your studio gear in place, so that's what's holding me down at the moment. Hopefully not for too long, though.
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